The Presidents Reference Index
When the United States Constitution was written from May 17, 1787, through September 17th of that year, set up the framework for how the government of the country should be run. Article II of the Constitution, spells out the duties, responsibilities, and powers of the Chief executive of the United States Government. The Chief executive is known as the President of the United States of America, This reference Section will help you learn about the first eight Presidents of the United States beginning with George Washington and ending with Martin Van Buren. It contains articles, biographies, Internet resources, and other material.
The Presidents
- President George Washington
- President John Adams
- President Thomas Jefferson
- President James Madison
- President James Monroe
- President John Quincy Adams
- President Andrew Jackson
- President Martin Van Buren
General Resources:
Founders Online -- This resource provides correspondence and other writings of six major shapers of the United States. "George Washington, Benjamin Franklin, John Adams (and family), Thomas Jefferson, Alexander Hamilton, and James Madison. Over 166,000 searchable documents, fully annotated, from the authoritative Founding Fathers Papers projects."
The Presidents -- This is the White House's own website. Here you will find bios of all of the Presidents of the United States.
Constitution of the United States -- This is the U.S. Constitution portion of the Charters of Freedom Project on the National Archives website.
The Constitutional Convention - From the Teaching America website you can learn about the Constitutional Convention of 1787. The convention had originally been called to improve the Articles of Confederation, but the delegates soon discovered that this would be impractical. So they created a brand new constitution which is what the United States has today.
Constitution Society -- "The Constitution Society is a private non-profit organization founded in 1994 and dedicated to research and public education on the principles of constitutional republican government. It publishes documentation, engages in litigation, and organizes local citizens groups to work for reform." (Source: Website About page) John Roland is the Founder of this website.
The American Presidency Project -- This archives contain 109,652 documents related to the study of the Presidency.
American Presidents for Kids (POTUS) -- The Presidents Section is one of the most comprehensive presidential exhibits designed for kids on the internet. Resources
The has two academic resource guides that are useful for further research about the Presidents and more.
Here are two of them.
Kids Research and Education Links Database - Catered to those in Grades 1 through 8.
Academic Research Guide and Link Portal - Focused more on college/academic sources.
Resources on This Site:
On this site, you will also find resources about the Presidency of the United States. These resources will help you learn about the job of the most powerful man in the world, but you will also learn what it means to be President of the United States.
The Constitution Of The United States Of America, 1787 -- This is the United States Constitution as originally written in 1787. Pay particular attention to Article 2, which sets down what the Presidency is all about.
The Federalist Papers and the Anti-Federalist Papers -- During the Ratification Process of the United States Constitution, there was an ongoing debate as to whether or not to adopt the newly written Constitution. Because of this, essays were written that were either for or against ratification. These essays became known as the Federalist Papers (for the Constitution) and the Anti-Federalist papers (against) Each of these "papers" contained sections about the Executive Branch of the Federal government.