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It's essential to take action to prevent mouse and rat infestations in your home as early spring is predicted. Rodents may be very problematic for people. You and your family can catch various diseases from mice and rats, and they have the power to ruin your house from the inside out. 

The Major Issue Caused By Rodents In Your Home

  • You can start a fire in your home by chewing through the wiring.
  • Additionally, a short circuit causes the current to leak, which raises the cost of electricity.
  • Destroy things by biting or eating them, including property.
  • Consume drywall and tear insulation.
  • May decompose inside of your area and produce an offensive odor. Additionally, the dead rodents spread bacteria and pathogens throughout your house.
  • Leave feces left, which leads to infestations.
  • Make unsettling noises in the attic and inside your walls.

Health Problems Caused by Rodents

  • Some rats and mice attack people, which can result in rat-bite fever.
  • Excreta from rats can cause allergic reactions in some persons. It may result in symptoms connected to asthma.
  • Diseases like leptospirosis, salmonella, plague, etc. are also brought on by rat excrement.

Take Initiative in Rodent Control

The good news is that infestations with mice and rats can be avoided using tried-and-true techniques. Find out how to get rid of rodents in your home and prevent them from returning.

Keeping Rat and Mouse Infestations at Bay

1) Get rid of the current rodent residents.

The two methods for getting rid of mice and rats are trapping and baiting. Use snap-style traps, which are intended to kill rats quickly, when trapping. Use child- and pet-proof bait stations that are tamper-resistant to keep the baits in place while you bait. Place both traps and bait along busy pathways where you see gnaw marks and droppings. Common pathways include ledges, fence rails, and foundations.

2) Secure your home.

Seal up all holes along your exterior using the recommended rodent-proofing solutions. Keep a close eye on the doors, windows, and vents.

3) Cut off outside access

Removing overhanging trees will make it harder for rodents to climb onto your roof. Additionally, keeping your trees correctly maintained eliminates a hiding area for rodents from predators.

4) Organize that yard.

Eliminate the clutter, waste, and debris piles from your yard. Plant bushes and shrubs at a minimum distance of three feet from buildings. In some places, rodents can live without fear.

5) Eliminate any outside food sources

Rodents might be particularly attracted to gardens and fruit trees. Pick up any fruit that has fallen to the ground from your fruit trees on a regular basis. Keep the tree clipped to remove rodent hiding places. By wrapping the trunk of your tree with a piece of sheet metal that is 2 feet high, you can protect your trees from rats. Keep the garden clean of garbage and hiding places. To ward off pests, grow plants from the mint family in and around your yard. As a deterrent, you can also spritz predator urine (like the fox) along the edge of your garden. This is typically available at your neighborhood garden store in both powder and liquid form.

6) Rodent Repellent Fluid

One of the most effective do-it-yourself rodent control methods is rat repellent fluid. This liquid is reliant on the cat's scent. Rodents feel scared and immediately flee the area because they detest cats. It's wonderful to know that effective fluid anti-agents don't disturb people; you may thus use them within your home without worrying about a bad smell, or else contact pest control specialists.

7) Maintain order in and around your home.

If there is no food available, rodents have no incentive to enter your home. Avoid leaving food out in your home's vicinity. Ensure that pet food and trash cans are safely stored inside rodent-proof containers.

8) Purchase mint

The smell of mint repels both rats and mice. Plant mint in your outdoor garden and apply peppermint oil indoors along the beams in your attic and other places where you've had rat issues. Even a few dried mint leaves can be left behind to help.

9) Pick up a new companion at your neighborhood shelter.

Rodents are greatly discouraged by cats from entering your yard and staying away from your home. To scare off mice and rats, the cat doesn't necessarily need to be an adept mouser. Even just their aroma works as a deterrent.

10) Ammonia Mist

The pest control team suggests installing a basic ammonia spray system. Place tiny cotton balls covered in ammonia near your home's entry, rodent burrows and nests, and other strategic locations. They will feel as though they are being choked by the ammonia odor and will flee your house to survive.

Start now with routine pest control!

That is a lengthy list of things to take to avoid a mouse and rat infestation. Don't have the resources, the time, or the confidence to remove rodents? In response, we are here. In our experience as pest control specialists, rodent infestations and their removal from your house are nothing new to us. Get in touch with us to handle your rat infestation right away and stop future rodent pest control issues.

Rodent pest issues can arise at any time of the year. Being proactive in addressing your rodent pest issues can significantly raise your standard of living. To get rid of pests that are already there, create an effective pest barrier around your home, and keep it that way with routine treatments, call in pest control experts.

For a free consultation about how we can help protect your home or place of business against winter pest issues, get in touch with pest control services.


Contact a rat control service to help you get rid of the rats if you are having problems with them. Their crew focuses on locating rodents' nesting and food-storage areas so they may remove them from your property without doing further damage. The experts can help you identify the primary source of the invasion and prevent rodents from returning to your property.