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Piracy was a major problem on the high seas during the 18th century. In fact, this crime actually made nations cooperate with each other, because the pirates who committed this crime did not care who they preyed on. 

Pirates also preyed on small craft on the rivers of America. The Harpe brothers were the most notorious River Pirates of the 18th century. They were also America's first serial killers who terrorized the populace from Tennessee to Illinois from 1795 to 1800.

The hangout for these brothers and other notorious outlaws was Cave in Rock located in Harden County Illinois. They used this place as headquarters to prey upon the flatboats going down the Wabash River.

Pirates are a breed altogether. They lived by their rules and forms of punishment. The life of a pirate was hard and dangerous because they knew if captured, they faced death by hanging.

For more information about pirates, piracy and the havoc they caused, look at these interesting sites about the topic.

Pirates literally had a haven in the Caribbean. These resources discuss Pirates in the Area.

  • Pirates of The Bahamas
    From the Bahamas Ministry of Tourism read about the pirates of the Bahamas.
  • Pirate Image Archive
    This site has a collection of Images of famous, or if you prefer, infamous pirates of the 18th century.

You can find these links and more on the outlaws of the 18th century in the Law and Order Internet Resources section of this site.